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Writer's pictureLaura Wiens

Looking back on completed works

It's been a productive year for my art--I just finished up the 136th piece, roughly, for 2018. Pretty good considering I missed about 2 months altogether at my easel due to travel. And then there's a handful of days each month where I have to take care of the administrative side of my job--ordering supplies, delivering artwork to several galleries, boxing up pieces to ship, updating my website and Etsy store, creating note card sets and calendars...and then there's the recording of all new inventory to keep up with.

The process for recording new work is time consuming, but important for keeping track of everything. After pieces are completed I assign them a title and product number. When they're dry enough to handle I sign the backs then take them out on my lanai for natural-light photography. After a quick edit, they're downloaded onto my home PC with the proper labeling and in the proper folders. Detailed info gets recorded on a spreadsheet (size, designation, delivery date, etc.) and away they go! Sounds easier than done, trust me, but it keeps me sane knowing what I've painted and where it's gone.

Here's to a new year of painting!

The final piece for 2018: "Moana Surfrider Hotel" 8x10" oil on canvas

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Richard Wiens
Richard Wiens
Jan 03, 2019

Nice work in 2018, and Happy New Year!

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